We are excited to announce the release of a brand new Breakout EDU game, Make Learning Magical! Just like peanut butter pairs with jelly or grilled cheese needs its tomato soup, this hybrid game is the perfect side dish to the newest Dave Burgess Publishing Company book Make Learning Magical by author Tisha Richmond. In the book, Tisha provides the recipe and describes the ingredients needed to take your passions and cook them up into magical experiences for students:

  • Memorable Beginnings that build excitement and relationships 

  • Authenticity and Agency that empower students

  • Gamified Experiences to engage learning on a higher level

  • Innovation that makes learning exciting and relevant

  • Creation, Collaboration, and Curiosity to equip learners for real life

  • Authentic Audiences to bring out your students' best work

  • Legacy built through meaningful experiences

Tisha is just beginning her first year as a Technology Integration Specialist in Medford, Oregon. Prior to that, she whipped up her magic as a high school culinary arts teacher for 22 years. While some people may think the idea that seasoning a subject like culinary arts with technology is equivalent to sprinkling pepper on watermelon, Tisha took full advantage of the myriad opportunities that working with students in a passion subject brings. In her blog, she says, “I absolutely love what I do.  I have the opportunity each day to encourage and inspire; to help them develop skills necessary to be successful in life and a career in the culinary industry.  I am continuously looking for innovative ways to make learning come alive for my students.”

Embracing that innovator’s mindset is what led Tisha to cook up her first book, and is what prompted her to partner with Breakout EDU to cater a game to go along with it. While it is not necessary to read the book in order to play the game, we think this would be the perfect way to culminate or even kick off a book study. A great read, some tasty snacks, conversation with colleagues, topped with a dollop of Breakout EDU? It doesn’t get any better than that!


Make Learning Magical , “the #1 new release Experimental Education Methods,” is available now on Amazon, and the game is available for free at platform.breakoutedu.com.