Breakout EDU Spotlight: Debbie Heinen

Debbie Heinen, 6th Grade Math Teacher

South park middle school

How do you utilize Breakout EDU in your classroom?

I use Breakout EDU in my classroom mostly to review material before a test or as enrichment for students who need an extra challenge. It is a great way to encourage teamwork and problem solving which is a key point of the math curriculum in our district. 

Why are critical thinking skills so important when studying math?

Critical thinking skills are so important in math because math is more than just memorizing formulas and definitions. It is about real-life application of mathematical ideas. Students need to know when to use different mathematical operations in real-life. Breakout EDU provides many real-life examples of when students might have to use different mathematical practices to solve a problem. Students aren't just given an example to copy. In the digital and kit breakouts I have created they are given real-world scenarios and students have to use critical thinking to decide how to go about solving a problem.

How are students obtaining and analyzing data using Breakout EDU games?

Students must read through real-world problems that are either given as digital clues or on pieces of paper with the kits and then they must analyze the clues to make sense of what they need to do to figure out the lock combinations. This is wonderful in the math classroom because it forces higher-level thinking rather than just telling students a formula or procedure. Students need to analyze the data and decide how to go about solving the problems to get the answer to unlock the kit-based and digital locks.

Have you seen an improvement in your students' communication of information since they have been introduced to Breakout EDU?

Students learn to communicate better with one another using Breakout EDU. Oftentimes there are many locks and there needs to be a synthesis of information to figure out the correct combinations of the locks so students have to work as a team to get everything completed in the allotted time. This means everyone in the group must be engaged and actively participating for the group to be successful. I have noticed students assisting their classmates, asking questions of their team members and just giving their best effort during the Breakout EDU activities because they want to contribute to the team's success.

What are some ways that you have customized digital games for your math students?

I make a lot of my own digital games to align exactly with the content and math standards and how they are presented using our school district's curriculum. I love creating digital breakouts and watching them come to life as the students work through them.

What is your favorite thing about Breakout EDU?

I love that Breakout EDU makes solving challenging problems fun and engaging. It also provides immediate feedback to students since they know whether they have gotten an answer correct by whether or not the lock opens. When using the Breakout EDU kits they also get the opportunity for more hands-on learning. 

What do your students say about Breakout EDU?

Students really enjoy Breakout EDU. They get very excited when they walk into the classroom and see the Breakout EDU kits. They love the excitement of seeing whether or not a lock will open and what prizes they might get at the end of the activity when the kit is opened.